Srinivas Girish is a busy tech professional based out of Hyderabad. His parents still live in their home town of Kadapa, a smaller city around 400 kms away from Hyderabad. On one of his regular visits to his parents house, Mr.Girish realized that both of them probably needed cataract surgery for their eye. Srinivas Girish, a busy tech professional in Hyderabad was looking for a good ophthalmologist for his parents He returned to Hyderabad and started a search for good ophthalmologists by asking his friends and co-workers; while one of them suggested that he check with my-healthconnect for the right …
Do you believe your eyes? It could be Diabetic Retinopathy
November 14th was World Diabetes Day – the perfect time to touch upon Diabetes and its ominous presence in our daily lives. Before you spoon that sugar into your coffee or tea or fresh fruit juice, take a moment to absorb these alarming facts. What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a common disease and it happens when the insulin production in the body decreases. What is unfortunate about diabetes is that, Type 1 Diabetes cannot be prevented. In fact, the triggers that are thought to generate the process that results in the destruction of the body’s insulin-producing cells are still under …