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Empowering the next generation – A talk on career at the University of Bosaso

Talk on healthcare career options to students at University of Bosaso

The founder of my-healthconnect, Sriram Sekhar was invited to give a talk on career to the students at the University of Bosaso during the recent medical outreach session that was conducted. The university is frequented by international visiting professionals who deliver talks on various educative topics. The students look forward to such learning opportunities that expose them to the world outside. The senior management looks at it as an opportunity to empower the next generation. The session was attended by 150 students who were pursuing Bachelors Degree in Public Health.  They were the perfect audience to talk to on healthcare …

Pain – Respect it and don’t ignore it

Follow RICE technique when injured

You have a persistent pain in the back that you have been ignoring for a while now. You’re not alone, but it might be advisable not to ignore it for too long. An alarming statistic is that 75%-85% people above the age of 30 experience back pain. It is, in fact, one of the most common reasons for a visit to the general physician. The key is Pain Management – how you effectively manage it!! 75-85% of people above the age of 30 experience back pain Recognizing this as a widespread health issue, my-healthconnect recently organized a workshop for Dr.Pradeep …

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