Technology has always played a vital role in healthcare. From ultrasound machines to MRIs, technology has helped to diagnose, treat, and heal. Today, in the age of constant connectivity, a natural extension of technology is as a bridge to lessen the distance between patients and healthcare providers. Telemedicine is offering a big platform for remote healthcare. Using modern audio and video capabilities, telemedicine is trying to make healthcare more accessible. The big question, though, is, does telemedicine work? Can our screens ever replace the doctor’s consultation room?  This blog takes you through some interesting real patient stories that answer this question.

Online Consultation – Patient Stories

The COVID 19 pandemic pushed us to experiment and try a whole lot of new things that we probably had not done earlier. From online schooling, to growing our own vegetables to self-grooming everyone has bee trying things they perhaps never had.  Telemedicine, online consultation with a doctor is one of such things.

From Kolkata to Madurai

Let us take the story of Ms. Susma Devi Agarwal, a homemaker from Kolkata. Susma who is in her mid-fifties was suffering from constant stomach pain. Braving herself in the pandemic she consulted a doctor in Kolkata. The doctor on examining Susma prescribed her medication for two weeks. Unfortunately, Susma had no relief. Moreover lately she was also having minor back pain. Could there be a problem with my kidneys Susma silently feared?

Could there be a problem with my kidneys Susma silently feared?

After much pondering, she decided to go for a second opinion. By then the lockdown had been announced. Susma was worried she needed relief immediately but did not want to step out of her home. That’s when she decided to turn to online consultation.

She had heard a lot about specialists from South India and her search brought her to my-healthconnect. Susma contacted my-heathconnect for an online consultation. After reading her case history and ailment, my-healthconnect shared her reports with a renowned urologist Dr.Sasanka Vishnubhotla. Dr.Sasanka examined Susma’s reports and much to her Susma’s relief ruled out any problem in the kidneys.

my-healthconnect then connected Ms.Susma with Dr.Meenakshi Sundaram, an MD Physician and Diabetologist from Paramakudi (near Madurai).

Ms.Susma and Dr.Meenakshi Sundaram had an online video consultation

Ms.Susma and Dr.Meenakshi Sundaram had an online video consultation. This video call proved very fruitful. Dr.Sundaram on studying Susma’s case history and interviewing her thoroughly , suspected high levels of acidity. Dr. Sundaram suggested antacids and probiotics (with zinc). Two weeks into the treatment, Susma is now back to her regular life. Online consultation brought her back to her daily routine.

From West of India to Down South

Take another patient’s case, Mr. Ashish Mishra from Howrah, who was suffering  from acute intermittent abdominal pain. Ashish was in great distress. The pandemic had added to his woes.  He somehow managed to consult a physician in Howrah. On examining Ashish the physician asked for the following reports:

  • Ultrasound of abdomen
  • Upper GI Endoscopy
  • Basic blood testing including CBC, LFT, ESR

Ashish went for the necessary tests. His reports diagnosed him with Gastrointestinal disorders. He was put on medication. But despite the medication, Ashish had no relief. A dejected Ashish started wondering if he could contact any other doctor. His friends told him about online consultation and recommended telemedicine. Ashish was aware that Hyderabad is the right place for affordable treatment from specialists.

Ashish’s search brought him to my-healthconnect. He filled out our information form and uploaded all his medical reports. On initial discussion, my-healthconnect recommended one of the top specialists in Hyderabad, Dr.Prashant Hegde. Using videoconferencing, Dr.Hedge did a thorough examination by questioning and interviewing Ashish. He also thoroughly studied Ashish’s latest medical reports submitted online. From medical history and Ashish’s latest report, the doctor suggested and prescribed treatment. Ashish adhered to the treatment plan and consulted online with Dr.Hedge occasionally. In about two weeks, Ashish found relief. A second online medical opinion thus proved effective.

Ashish expressed his gratitude to the doctor & platform:

4 Easy Steps to start an online consultation

You can set up online medication on digital platforms like my-healthconnect. To begin with, all you have to do is just follow these four steps below.

1. Register here.

2. During registration share as many medical details as possible. 

3. Upload your medical reports like recent diagnosis ,x-ray, Blood report, Ultrasound image/report, CT/MRI report. Add all reports to the Medical Report section. Please note the more data you share, the more easier it is for the doctor to recommend a treatment course.

4. Once all the details are in place, my-healthconnect team will contact you. After understanding your problem my-healthconnect will set up an online consultation between you and your assigned doctor.

Note: my-healthconnect also accepts reports on Whatsapp at +916303337330.

 Medical Opinion, Online Consultation, Second Opinion, Knee Pain, Back Pain, Stomach Pain

Preparing for Online consultation

Next is how to make the most of your online consultation. Here are a few tips.

1. Make sure you have a good internet connection. Make sure you are seated in a place that has good lighting and is noise-free.

2. Keep all relevant reports handy. Keep all prescriptions and medicines near you so you can discuss it with your online doctor.

3. Share all the details with the doctor in the first consultation itself.

4. If the doctor prescribes any medicines for the treatment, ensure to take a proper prescription from the doctor.

For a successful online consultation, it is essential that the patient opens up and shares his problems completely. This helps the doctor get a full view of the problem and treat it accordingly.


Online Consultation is truly helpful and can be your saviour in distress. It brings in true tangible benefits like time-saving, quick relief, and affordable healthcare in the comfort of your home.

Call or write to our Whatsapp number +916303337330 or register here.

Please note: my-healthconnect is a safe, registered, and reliable platform .We protect your complete privacy.