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Online Consultation for a Second Opinion

Gastro-intestinal disorders, Medical Opinion, Online Consultation, Second Opinion, Stomach Pain

Technology has always played a vital role in healthcare. From ultrasound machines to MRIs, technology has helped to diagnose, treat, and heal. Today, in the age of constant connectivity, a natural extension of technology is as a bridge to lessen the distance between patients and healthcare providers. Telemedicine is offering a big platform for remote healthcare. Using modern audio and video capabilities, telemedicine is trying to make healthcare more accessible. The big question, though, is, does telemedicine work? Can our screens ever replace the doctor’s consultation room?  This blog takes you through some interesting real patient stories that answer this question. Online …

Apples for patients, but what should doctors have?

Specialist doctors for medical opinion, Medical Opinion from specialist surgeons in India, Second Opinion, Cost effective treatment plans

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. This old adage was so true in the bygone years. People wanted to stay healthy. They feared illnesses, for reasons of disruption in smooth living or inconveniences caused to people in the family and the illness itself for what it did to the affected individual. But now the adage seems to have undergone a paradigm shift. One more factor has got attached to the list above. Ever so often it is true now that “The doctor often is more to be feared than the disease itself”. Surely you have heard of stories …

Trauma patient gets online medical opinion and avoids unnecessary medical travel

Trauma Injury Patient, Medical Opinion, Surgery for fractures

Sometimes an online medical opinion can help you and even prevent the unnecessary medical travel. In an unfortunate accident, Smt.Munni Devi 62 from Jharkhand was hit by a vehicle and suffered multiple fractures in her thighs, legs and wrists (multiple trauma injuries). Thankfully, she was saved from major injuries to her internal organs but she had to undergo immediate surgery for fractures. This involved fixing plates in nails in various fractured parts and reuniting of the bone. Smt.Munni Devi was hit by a vehicle and suffered multiple fractures in her thighs, legs and wrists While the hospital said that surgery …

Quality Diagnosis = Surgery averted

Quality Medical Opinion, Second Opinion

my-healthconnect has been connecting patients and doctors for over two years now.  In our mission to make these connections and bring better healthcare to those who seek it, we have often reiterated the need to get a quality second opinion and have seen, as in the case outlined below, that two heads are, in fact, better than one. We have often reiterated the need to get a quality second opinion and have seen, as in the case outlined below, that two heads are, in fact, better than one. Recently, we were approached by a patient from Kolkata – a 65-year-old …

Pain – Respect it and don’t ignore it

Follow RICE technique when injured

You have a persistent pain in the back that you have been ignoring for a while now. You’re not alone, but it might be advisable not to ignore it for too long. An alarming statistic is that 75%-85% people above the age of 30 experience back pain. It is, in fact, one of the most common reasons for a visit to the general physician. The key is Pain Management – how you effectively manage it!! 75-85% of people above the age of 30 experience back pain Recognizing this as a widespread health issue, my-healthconnect recently organized a workshop for Dr.Pradeep …

Operating Room Nurse Day | World Diabetes Day

Operating Room Nurse Day, World Diabetes Day

Today is World Diabetes Day. This day was founded by both the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization to raise awareness of Diabetes and related causes. The day chosen was the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, a medical scientist who co-discovered Insulin and was the first person to use it on humans. Did you know that today is also Operating Room Nurse Day. Nurses are the unsung heroes of medicine, with the doctors and surgeons usually taking all the credit for a successful procedure. So take the time this Operating Room Nurse Day to thank the surgical nurses who …

e-Second Opinion – How can it be leveraged?

Medical Opinion or Second Opinion from a specialist surgeon in India

A patient sitting in Bidar (A small town in North Karnataka) has been suggested a Knee Replacement Surgery by his local doctor. He is unsure of the diagnosis plan and intends to consult a specialist doctor from a city (typical of patients from rural India). He travels by train to Bangalore and consults a specialist who recommends physiotherapy/medicines for one year before a surgery. Another trip to Hyderabad lands him in a treatment plan which entails immediate surgery. He is now confused on what next!!! On top of it, he has spent a few days on his travel and close …

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